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Expert Position:Home - Expert
Prof. Michael R. Hoffmann
  • Author:Mr. Zhou    From:Yixing Eco-Sanitary Manufacure Co.,Ltd.    Date:2017/4/24    Hits:2098次

Michael. Hoffmann Chief Scientist
• Member of the United States National Academy of Engineering
• Famous environmental scientist of US
• Professor of US California Technology Institute
• Expert in advanced oxidation technology of electrochemical
• Nano semiconductor technology expert
• Expert in atmospheric chemistry and ultrasound
• Issued more than 300papers in total, the single paper was cited more than 15000times, and was recognized to be one of the scholars whose papers had high citation rate by the Web of Science.

Education and degree
In 1968, Northwestern University, bachelor's degree (Northwestern University) B.A.
In 1974, Brown University, PhD (Brown, University, Ph.D.)
Academic position
2016- until now, Professor Theodore Y. Wu, Department of environmental science and engineering, California Institute of Technology
1996-2015 , professor James Irvine, Department of environmental science and engineering, California Institute of Technology
2002-2009 , Dean of Graduate School of California Institute of Technology
1986-1995 , Professor, Department of environmental science and engineering, California Institute of Technology
1980-1985 , associate professor, Department of environmental science and engineering, California Institute of Technology
1978-1980 , associate professor, School of municipal and chemical engineering, University of Minnesota
1973-1976 , postdoctoral fellow, Department of environmental science and engineering, California Institute of Technology
Major achievements
The formation mechanism of acid rain, advanced oxidation technology with peroxide as the core, application of nano semiconductor photo catalytic material in environment, and application of ultrasonic chemical technology in environment are put forward
Major contributions and Awards
In 2011, he was elected member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) to reward him with innovative advanced technologies and contributions in the use of advanced oxidation processes to remove organic and inorganic pollutants in water.
In 2001, he was awarded the advanced innovation award of environmental science and technology of American Chemical society.
In 2013, he was awarded the Chinese Academy of education's "global scholar of environmental science and Engineering" award, and 2012-2017 as a foreign academician who was employed at Tsinghua University.
In 2012, he won the Gates foundation, the first prize in the water, epidemic prevention and sanitary toilet revolution.
In 2003, he was awarded the Jack Edward Maggie Medal - Federal Award for water environment, and rewarded the contribution of MTBE (methyl tert butyl ether) in the field of groundwater pollution.
In 1995, Canada won the Gordon Young advanced innovation award, which rewards basic chemical mechanism and application research, and contributes to environmental protection, science and technology and engineering.
Alexander Von Humboldt Prize (1991) the award for international scientists and scholars, his reward in environmental chemistry, atmospheric chemistry, water and gas treatment technology, the use of nano semiconductor advanced chemical oxidation technology with high redox potential chemical oxide field contribution.

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